Our Malignant Fate & and an Introduction to Aneesha Flaget

Hello everyone, I hope you're having or had a great day! For those of you who don't know, my name is Aneesha Flaget and I'm a certified personal trainer! Before I talk too much about myself though, I wanted to first go over some statistics that I thought might surprise people.

We’ll get right into it. According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey between 2017 - 2020, which is posted by the CDC, the prevalence of obesity in American adults rose from 30.5% to 41.9% and severe obesity from 4.7% to 9.2%. To put it in more practical terms, if you were walking through the grocery store, more than 2 in every 5 adults you pass are obese. They had a shorter survey as well between 2017 to 2018 that studied how many adults over the age of 20 were overweight (differs from obese) in the U.S. and the result was 73.6% which is more than 3 in every 5 adult.

So now we know how many people are overweight or obese in this country. I’ll list some of the effects that it has on our health. Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, joint problems, liver disease, gallstones, some types of cancer, sleep and breathing problems, and high blood pressure. Many of which can obviously lead to other problems as well, like nerve damage, eye damage, dementia, blood clots, seizures, depression, coma, and so on. Those all sound really terrible, yeah? They should! Not to mention, medical costs for adults with obesity are $1,861 more than average and who wants to spend that kind of money on health conditions that more than likely could have been prevented through proper diet and exercise. 

Alright, we’ve gone over how many people are affected and how it affects them. How do we fix it or prevent it? Well, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends that most healthy adults should get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Of course you can do a combination of these but that’s only up to 2.5 hours a week to stay healthy. If you need to lose weight, they recommend at least 300 minutes or 5 hours of your time per week. And you have 168 hours to divvy up every week. It’s pretty minor when you consider the big picture and what you benefit from it, right?

Now in addition to this, we can’t eat garbage like a raccoon 24/7 and it’s not just a quick fix. You have to commit to the regimen and implement the exercise and healthy nutrition into your life the same way that you brush and floss your teeth or shower everyday. Hopefully we all do those things anyway!

I’m twenty five years old and I started personal training when I was twenty three. I’ll back up a ways though. When I was five  years old, I started gymnastics. Within a few years of that, I entered the world of competitive cheerleading on a national level, which I would entertain for 10 years. After highschool, I started on my bachelors of science with the intent of pursuing nursing or going as far as medical school to ideally do trauma surgery or neuro-research. In the meantime, I got my nursing assistant certification and would work in that profession for three years. And in those 3 years, I saw a lot of disturbing things. I won’t get into the lack of morality and professionalism that occurs in our healthcare system but more the realization that so many of these sick people could have had better lives or would have significantly improved lives, if and when, they made better choices for their body.

Personally, I've been in that overweight category. In 2017 I had gotten up to almost 180 lbs by the time I was due to have my daughter. That might not seem like much to some but I had been told weeks earlier that I couldn’t gain any more weight and for my genetics and height, it was excessive. Post delivery and losing the initial baby weight that we don’t have to make an effort for, I was still around 150+ lbs. Again, it might not seem like much but my body mass index (BMI) was over 25 - deemed overweight. Daily tasks and movements felt more difficult than they should. By this point, I was disappointed in what I saw in the healthcare or medical field and decided that I would refocus. I would instead, educate myself and then the public (as far as i’m able to reach) about how we change this downward trend of health. I completed my current certification as well as got my health in order. This meant changing my diet immensely and exercising more. I implemented what I had learned into my own life, even went as far as taking up MMA and jiu jitsu, and now I walk around 25+ lbs lighter, and a BMI of 20. We don’t all have to dive into the water head first and join a combat sport, but we all have the capability to live long, prosperous, healthy lives to the best of our control. So why don’t we? Knowledge is power and it’s my aim to give people the power of knowledge in relevance to health, within my scope. There’s such a stigma around the term personal training, so the perspective that I prefer to take on it is preventive, rehabilitative, and maintenance care! It sounds a lot more appealing doesn’t it? 

That’s an introduction to myself and the malignant fate that I believe our generation to be facing if we don’t turn the bus around. I also want to bring up that since you’ve taken the time to watch and/or read through all of this, you might as well schedule a free consultation and success session with me to start your first step and contribution towards a healthier future for yourself, but also to encourage the people around you to do so, or set an example for the people looking up to you! 

Lastly, I have something simple that can help you start as soon as you finish reading or watching this. That simple thing is to consciously move more in your daily tasks and activities that you’re already doing or have access to. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Play with the kids more, walk the dog instead of watching him pace around the yard for several minutes before doing his business, do the yard work instead of watching tv on the couch, etc. As simple as it sounds, there will be minor improvements in this simple challenge. You indeed have to put more into it to get more out, but no matter how small the step, you’re making progress if you take it.

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